Child Abduction
Whether you are looking to relocate within the United Kingdom or abroad, you must take the proper steps to ensure a successful outcome. Our legal team can assist you to ensure you don’t break the law according to the Child Abduction and Custody Act 1985.
Parental child abduction is defined by a person who takes a child away from, or prevents them retuning to, their country of residence, without the permission of the other parent or the courts.
It is a criminal offence to abduct a child. It is considered child abduction if you remove a child from the UK for more than 28 days without prior consent of the other person with parental responsibility or the courts.
If you suspect that your child is being abducted, your first call should probably be to the police so that they may issue an ‘All Ports Alert’. This is intended to prevent the person from travelling with your child in the first instance. You will then need to take protective steps to enforce this. We can help you to obtain the appropriate orders.
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Integra Family & Matrimonial law solicitors provides professional and expert guidance on every aspect of a family’s legal situation. We’ve advised countless families throughout their entire life spans, so you can rest assured that we will always be there to support you, even in situations that aren’t currently on your radar. We’re the firm of trusted family lawyers that takes the time to get to know your family and understand your exact requirements.